Dear Colleagues,
Warm Greeting from Rinjani Trekking Club
We are Team of young biologists, naturalists and providing experts Trekking Guide in mountaineering , especially to Mount Rinjani Lombok. Our Teams are trained & licensed in search & rescue technique (SAR-Lombok), use local porters and promote a code of environmental good conduct.
Our tours are designed to show you more than just the usual tourist attraction of the country as we also emphasis on the culture, people, flora and fauna when you travel with us. We are proud to note that we have a following of satisfied customer who return to explore more of the country with us on their repeat visits.
The following are some of the reasons why you should choose Rinjani Trekking Club as your operator on your adventure.
1.We Know What We are Talking About!
Rinjani Trekking Club only offers trips we have first hand experience with. We only offer expeditions that are run professionally by either our own local team or by a local operator that works with Rinjani Footprint to our standards. All these operations are run by registered companies, not fly by night businesses.
2. We Are The Operator
Rinjani Trekking Club is the operator. We have direct input into how the trip is run. We have strict environmental, social, cultural and labour policies.
3. We Are A Licensed Travel Agent
Rinjani Trekking Club is a Licenced Travel Agent. This means your money is protected under the Travel Compensation Fund (TCF). As a prudent traveler, you should not be giving money to anyone that is not covered by this Licence. Without a Travel Agent you are on your own.
4. We Have A Social, Cultural and Environmental Conscience!
It is vitally important that travel has a positive impact on the social, cultural and environmental aspects of the places we visit. We ensure that when you visit places with us, your presence will help those that live there, that their culture will be respected and that the environment at the very least will not be harmed.
While everybody speaks about sustainable tourism without really act, Rinjani Trekking Club has decided to set-up a strategy, on own scale, to effectively act against this major issue.
The actions that we have done for Mount Rinjani are: provide guidance, counseling to the porters and guides and on every our trips, we always bring a sack to carry the garbage down from the national park, and then we pay the garbage from Porters and guide.
5. Social Policy
We believe in fair pay for fair work. That is why our teams are not only paid above market wages (usually these market wages are below standard), but are fed well and equipped well for your expedition. You will see the difference as our teams remain highly motivated and ready to serve you on expedition.
6. Cultural Policy
All societies have their own rules, borne out of generations of cultural development. We are not here to change these directly, but to witness them and appreciate them as another form of human existence. While on expedition, we will respect local cultures, those developed out of religion or social norms. We ask you to respect these to, as they are no better or worse than our own.
7. Environmental Policy
There are many aspects to the issue of the environmental impact of travel. Flying to the destination, accommodation, food preparation and human waste control. Each of these is covered either directly by our own environmental policy or we ask you to assist by for example, offsetting your carbon emissions to get to your destination.
While on expedition we will offset all your carbon emissions. We try to use eco friendly accommodation where possible. Food is bought and prepared locally. We try to use fresh produce as much as possible. All non biodegradable material is packed and brought back to main metropolitan centres for correct disposal.
Human waste is a major problem when traveling. It can impact on the environment directly. We attempt to dispose of this waste as effectively and sensitively as possible. We will inform you on how you can help with this goal.
Thank you for choosing us as your Tour operator on your adventure, and we look forwards your lovely time with us.
Yours Truly
Rinjani Trekking Club